Best quotes by Jon Pardi on Country

Checkout quotes by Jon Pardi on Country

  • You've got these guys that have this fresh, street, hip-hop country that sells a zillion. Keep doing that. I'll keep doing my stuff. We'll see how it goes.
    - Jon Pardi
  • People out west love country music.
    - Jon Pardi
  • There's so many great people in Country Radio, and I appreciate all the support they've given me.
    - Jon Pardi
  • I chose to be this guy. It's who I want to be, and it's always been me - just keepin' it country.
    - Jon Pardi
  • You gotta have a good beat to survive in modern country in general. Everyone wants to feel good, laugh, dance, and cry. But at the same time, they all want it to sound happy.
    - Jon Pardi
  • I lean traditional, but 'Head Over Boots,' it's pretty country.
    - Jon Pardi
  • I love traditional country music, and I feel like there's a need for it and a want for it. But I enjoy everybody in country music.
    - Jon Pardi
  • I'm mixing country with kind of a modern twist to it.
    - Jon Pardi
  • I was even more country in my college-band days.
    - Jon Pardi
  • California is one of the most country-est states there is. We're really country.
    - Jon Pardi
  • My grandmother loved country music, and she's the one who really got me into country music. She had George Strait tapes, a bunch of them. I remember listening to tapes, taking them out, the covers and the back.
    - Jon Pardi