Best quotes by Dana White on Me

Checkout quotes by Dana White on Me

  • I like to have my Pinkberry. I have this one store in midtown Manhattan that will stay open for me late.
    - Dana White
  • Everything that ever happened to me in my career, Trump was the first guy to pick up the phone and reach out to me.
    - Dana White
  • You'll never hear me say a negative thing about Donald Trump.
    - Dana White
  • There's a little bit of me that's Republican, and there's a little bit of me that's Democratic. I believe in taking care of people that don't have, I believe in taking care of the planet, you know, all that type of stuff.
    - Dana White
  • Let me tell you what, reality is better than any script you could ever write.
    - Dana White
  • Outdoor stadiums scare me to death.
    - Dana White
  • I'd rather have too many good guys than not enough. It's a nice problem. They sort themselves out because when guys fight each other, they determine who deserves the title shot, not me.
    - Dana White