Best quotes by Joe Frazier on Man

Checkout quotes by Joe Frazier on Man

  • I don't think a man has to go around shouting and play-acting to prove he is something. And a real man don't go around putting other guys down, trampling their feelings in the dirt, making out they're nothing.
    - Joe Frazier
  • This is just another man, another fight, another payday.
    - Joe Frazier
  • There are places on a man's head that are as hard as a rock. Your head's actually stronger than your body. And you don't have too many instruments up there workin'. But you got a lot of tools workin' in that body: the liver, the kidneys, the heart, the lungs. You soften that up and see what happens. I lived by the body shot.
    - Joe Frazier
  • There are places on a man's head that are as hard as a rock. Your head's actually stronger than your body. And you don't have too many instruments up there workin'.
    - Joe Frazier
  • Preaching don't mean you are a true man. You got to go out and do.
    - Joe Frazier
  • The way I fight, it's not me beatin' the man. I make the man whip himself.
    - Joe Frazier
  • Had my own car at twelve years old. Left school in the tenth grade. Married when I was sixteen. Ain't hard to figure out; I was a man at a very young age.
    - Joe Frazier
  • This ultimate fighting stuff is something I don't agree with. Once a man is down, you have to let him have a chance to prove how good he is.
    - Joe Frazier