Best quotes by Leon Panetta on World

Checkout quotes by Leon Panetta on World

  • You know, as director of the CIA, I got an awful lot of intelligence about all the horrible things that could go on across the world.
    - Leon Panetta
  • After every major conflict - World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the fall of the Soviet Union - what happened was that we ultimately hollowed out the force, largely by doing deep across-the-board cuts.
    - Leon Panetta
  • Iran is isolating itself from the rest of the world.
    - Leon Panetta
  • When you're smaller and leaner, you're not going to have that large a presence throughout the world.
    - Leon Panetta
  • I think the primary message to the world is that the United States is going to remain the strongest military power in the world.
    - Leon Panetta