Best quotes by Josie Totah on Me

Checkout quotes by Josie Totah on Me

  • I get reached out to by a lot of people who just thank me for representing them and their friends. Just showing people like them on TV. It's just really awesome to hear from them.
    - Josie Totah
  • If I were to have seen more people that looked like me - because I'm Palestinian and Lebanese - and talked like me and acted like me, I probably would have had a lot more hope knowing that I wasn't alone. I really hope that this show, 'Champions,' gives that to people.
    - Josie Totah
  • It helps me as an actor to always be on top of my stuff.
    - Josie Totah
  • When my friends and family call me Josie, it feels like I'm being seen. It's something everyone wants, to feel understood.
    - Josie Totah
  • I believe that I am transgender to help people understand differences. It allows me to gain perspective, to be more accepting of others, because I know what it feels like to know you're not like everyone else.
    - Josie Totah
  • I definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. I came to the conclusion - I had to at such a young age - if no one was going to be like me, then I just have to own it. If I can't be like everyone else, then I might as well just own who I am.
    - Josie Totah