Best quotes by Neil MacGregor on Society

Checkout quotes by Neil MacGregor on Society

  • I feel I understand now why, whenever there are revolutions, Shakespeare is what people turn to. Because whenever a society is on the cusp, about to become something else, they find themselves in Shakespeare.
    - Neil MacGregor
  • The British Museum was founded with a civic purpose: to allow the citizen, through reasoned inquiry and comparison, to resist the certainties that endanger free society and are still among the greatest threats to our liberty.
    - Neil MacGregor
  • While there are few records of Viking women participating in battle, they certainly held positions of high status in society as human sorceresses known as 'volvas.'
    - Neil MacGregor
  • There's the constant concern with what happens to you when you die. Every society thinks about that and makes things to deal with that.
    - Neil MacGregor
  • London theatre is different: it is a commercial theatre that brings the whole of society into one place. And Shakespeare grasped, better than anyone else, what it means to engage the entire audience.
    - Neil MacGregor