Best quotes by Diana Gabaldon on Work

Checkout quotes by Diana Gabaldon on Work

  • I don't plot the books out ahead of time, I don't plan them. I don't begin at the beginning and end at the end. I don't work with an outline and I don't work in a straight line.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • I don't plan the books ahead of time. It's not like Harry Potter. I don't work in a straight line. I don't write with an outline.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • I read all the time. People ask, 'Do you read while you work?' And I say, 'I better.' I take two or three years to finish one of my enormous books, and I can't go that long without reading.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • I work late at night. I'm awake and nobody bothers me. It's quiet and things come and talk to me in the silence.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • I don't work in a straight line. I don't write with an outline. I write where I can see things happen, and then things get glued together.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • Partly because of the way I write - I don't work with an outline or in a straight line. I work where I can see things happening, and so I get lots and lots of little bits to start with, and I'm doing the research at the same time.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • I grew up in Flagstaff, and I still own my old family house up there, so I go up there a couple of times a month just to sit for a day or two and work without any kind of interruption, and I usually take a dinner break, and I'll watch two hours of DVD.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • If you're going to write time travel stories, you have to sort of figure out how does time travel work in this particular universe that I'm dealing with.
    - Diana Gabaldon
  • If nobody needs me - and usually, these days, they don't - I'll fall asleep until around midnight. Then I go upstairs and work until 4 A.M., and that's when I go back to bed for good. It suits me.
    - Diana Gabaldon