Best quotes by David Boies on People

Checkout quotes by David Boies on People

  • We're now segregating our schools based on economics; we're segregating our schools based on where a child's parents live. And it has the same corrosive effect of destroying people's opportunity as racial segregation did.
    - David Boies
  • In any profession, whether it's teachers or doctors or lawyers, the more we say we're not going to evaluate those people on the merits, I think that's when the profession goes into decline.
    - David Boies
  • Most people are balancing 10 or 20 priorities. I have two. My family and my work.
    - David Boies
  • Unlike people of my generation, my children and my grandchildren have grown up living with, knowing, people who were outwardly gay and lesbian. And they have learned that they're just like us... And when you see that they're just like us, the rationale for discrimination melts away.
    - David Boies
  • I win virtually every case I should win, and I win a number of cases that people think I shouldn't.
    - David Boies