Best quotes by Kyle Busch on Me

Checkout quotes by Kyle Busch on Me

  • I don't mind taking chances. Sometimes those chances get me in a loophole that's hard to get out of, but that's just me. That's my drive. That's my fire. That's who I am. That's who I want to be and who I feel like I am when I'm fast.
    - Kyle Busch
  • Certainly, different people show their emotions in different ways. Unfortunately for me, mine has never been very gracious and I don't know that it ever will be.
    - Kyle Busch
  • Those people that are close to me understand me and know me and know who I am outside the race track as a person and a friend, and that's why I'm able to continue to have the relationships and the sponsorships that I do.
    - Kyle Busch
  • Even though Richmond is a three-quarter mile, it's a fast short track... So it gives you - maybe you could call it a false of security a little bit, but it seems to be working for me.
    - Kyle Busch
  • I think my reputation is pretty fair among the drivers. The drivers know what they get when they see me or talk to me - if they get the chance to talk to me, because some of them I just don't talk to because I don't like them, so they should know.
    - Kyle Busch
  • Ray Evernham and Jeff Gordon and people in the garage area always put so much stake into me.
    - Kyle Busch
  • I would say people are most going to remember me for my skill on the racetrack, first and foremost.
    - Kyle Busch
  • There's no better benefit than being out on the racetrack, learning what's going on with the track and the tire and all that stuff. To me, that's a big influence.
    - Kyle Busch
  • For me, I love football.
    - Kyle Busch
  • I guess people don't like me for getting as upset as I am sometimes when I lose, but that's me.
    - Kyle Busch