Best quotes by David Gilmour on Guitar

Checkout quotes by David Gilmour on Guitar

  • It's a magical thing, the guitar. It allows you to be the whole band in one, to play rhythm and melody, sing over the top. And as an instrument for solos, you can bend notes, draw emotional content out of tiny movements, vibratos and tonal things which even a piano can't do.
    - David Gilmour
  • I think a guitar solo is how my emotion is most freely released, because verbal articulation isn't my strongest communication strength. My wife thinks that I should do interviews by listening to the questions and playing the answer on guitar.
    - David Gilmour
  • Well, I am David Gilmour, the voice and guitar of Pink Floyd. I have been since I was 21.
    - David Gilmour
  • I don't have a very disciplined approach to practicing or anything, but I do tend to have a guitar around most of the time, which I strum on most of the day.
    - David Gilmour
  • I actually learned the guitar with the help of a Pete Seeger instructional record when I was 13 or 14.
    - David Gilmour
  • I think I could walk into any music shop anywhere and with a guitar off the rack, a couple of basic pedals and an amp I could sound just like me. There's no devices, customized or otherwise, that give me my sound.
    - David Gilmour
  • I don't even think whether I play the blues or not, I just play whatever feels right at the moment. I also will use any gadget or device that I find that helps me achieve the sort of sound on the guitar that I want to get.
    - David Gilmour
  • I love singing. I have spent as much of my life trying to improve my singing as I have practising guitar.
    - David Gilmour