Best quotes by Atishi on People

Checkout quotes by Atishi on People

  • Why does 80 per cent of East Delhi live in unauthorised colonies. No one wants to live in unauthorised colonies due to issues of sanitary and hygiene... people stay in unauthorised colonies because they have no other choice, and that really needs to be changed.
    - Atishi
  • We intend to follow one strategy: that is to reach out to each and every resident in the constituency. We do not believe in just waving to the people from cars.
    - Atishi
  • I do not want to waste time in proving my identity to people.
    - Atishi
  • Everyone knows Gautam Gambhir is a star who is going to be in Bombay, London, and Johannesburg. He is not going to be available to attend to people of his constituency.
    - Atishi
  • My appeal to the people is to vote keeping their future in mind.
    - Atishi
  • Under a democratic form of government, the people elect legislators and ministers to fulfil their policies. The role of the ministers is to give directions. The role of the bureaucracy is to implement those directions. If those who have to do the implementation are on strike, no policies can actually be implemented.
    - Atishi
  • People should not be voting based on caste, religion, money, or liquor but real issues that affect their lives.
    - Atishi