Best quotes by Baba Kalyani on Country

Checkout quotes by Baba Kalyani on Country

  • Which country in the world has the kind of talent India has in numbers?
    - Baba Kalyani
  • Our strategy should be based on indigenisation and import substitution. The government must provide opportunities for domestic companies to participate in sectors in which the country continues to depend on imports.
    - Baba Kalyani
  • India has the capability to create a fairly extensive defence manufacturing capability in many areas, and as a country and as an industry, we have matured in terms of technology and capability to make this happen.
    - Baba Kalyani
  • India is the most competitive manufacturing destination on this planet. If we are able to take advantage of that competitiveness for our domestic markets, this country would be humming with activity; industrial production will grow at 10-11% per year.
    - Baba Kalyani
  • There is a feeling within our system that defence equipment can't be made here and should be imported. I wanted to break this myth, so we spent our money and made a product to prove we have capability in this country, so don't just brush us aside.
    - Baba Kalyani
  • Politicians said that with our cheap labour, we could be competitive in the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. We were the most uncompetitive country with that cheap labour.
    - Baba Kalyani