Best quotes by William P. Leahy on Church

Checkout quotes by William P. Leahy on Church

  • Clearly there are individuals who don't understand what the church teaches, or they think it's so limiting.
    - William P. Leahy
  • You know how the church has been hit so hard by the sexual misconduct by clergy, and what's that's done to Catholics, especially here in Boston but elsewhere as well.
    - William P. Leahy
  • The church may hold whatever it holds with regard to clerical celibacy.
    - William P. Leahy
  • What I think we can do is help individuals understand the church teaching, but also maybe help the church understand the viewpoint of lay men and women about what they want in regard to priests, or how do they want the hierarchy to deal with them?
    - William P. Leahy
  • Some of the speakers we bring on campus may not reflect official church teaching, but that's how it is.
    - William P. Leahy
  • BC is not going to replace the hierarchy, and BC is not going to lead some major reform in the Catholic Church - that's got to come out of the whole Catholic community.
    - William P. Leahy
  • Others don't want to listen to viewpoints that members of the church have.
    - William P. Leahy
  • The Spirit hasn't deserted the church today.
    - William P. Leahy