Best quotes by Jesse White on Life

Checkout quotes by Jesse White on Life

  • I'm a disciplinarian. And I've always been disciplined. I like to be on time. If I have a job to do, I'm going to see it from its beginning to its conclusion. No excuses, no alibis. That's how I run my life. It's called self-tough love.
    - Jesse White
  • The most influential people in my life are deceased. These include my parents, George Dunne, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., my minister in college.
    - Jesse White
  • The most influential people in my life are deceased. These include my parents, George Dunne, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., my minister in college.
    - Jesse White
  • I believe in commitment to duty. That's how I've lived my life.
    - Jesse White
  • I believe in commitment to duty. That's how I've lived my life.
    - Jesse White
  • I've never looked down on anyone who uses the system, but I believe that it's a temporary station in life and that we should all work toward getting off it. And once we get off it, we should pay back to that system.
    - Jesse White
  • Just saying 'I want this and I want that' doesn't do it. My boys share and share alike in the income that the organization brings in, so that teaches them the lesson: If you work, you can earn some money. That's how life is; it's the American way.
    - Jesse White