Best quotes by Ed Miliband on Politics

Checkout quotes by Ed Miliband on Politics

  • Let the message go out - a new generation has taken charge of Labour which is optimistic about our country, optimistic about our world, optimistic about the power of politics. We are optimistic and together we will change Britain.
    - Ed Miliband
  • Freedom and opportunity are precious gifts and the purpose of our politics is to expand them, for all our people.
    - Ed Miliband
  • The new generation of Labour is different. Different attitudes, different ideas, different ways of doing politics.
    - Ed Miliband
  • Scepticism and cynicism about politics is so great that one of the best counters to it is what you can do at a local level.
    - Ed Miliband
  • I think part of the thing that is important to me, and is important to Labour supporters, is that the fight goes on. The fight goes on in relation to this budget, in relation to Europe, and in a way, the history of progressive politics is that there are setbacks - significant setbacks - and you have to overcome that. But obviously it's tough.
    - Ed Miliband
  • Dominant narrative is so overwhelming in politics. The smallest gaffe when the momentum is against you is a disaster. But when it is with you, everyone just ignores it.
    - Ed Miliband