Best quotes by Shania Twain on Desires

Checkout quotes by Shania Twain on Desires

  • There were moments when I really just thought, I don't need anything and I don't need anyone. I just want to go away and disappear.
    - Shania Twain
  • I have arm-wrestled here and there... guys seem to want to test my strength.
    - Shania Twain
  • You don't want to be outside during blackfly season.
    - Shania Twain
  • I want romance.
    - Shania Twain
  • I don't want someone photographing my cellulite - I can't take it!
    - Shania Twain
  • I want to be successful, but I don't really have what it takes to do it comfortably.
    - Shania Twain