Best quotes by Haider al-Abadi on Country

Checkout quotes by Haider al-Abadi on Country

  • As prime minister of Iraq, I am required to act in accordance with the Constitution to protect all of the Iraqi people and to keep our country united.
    - Haider al-Abadi
  • I was elected prime minister in 2014 under incredibly difficult circumstances: A third of the country was overrun by terrorists, the economy was struggling, people were divided by sectarianism, and relations with the wider world were strained.
    - Haider al-Abadi
  • The Iraqi people will not allow any country to take possession of their own resources.
    - Haider al-Abadi
  • Our citizens must feel they are part and parcel of this country. This is essential.
    - Haider al-Abadi
  • The PMF should be loyal only to Iraq, not to anyone else: loyal to Iraqi official institutions, the commander in chief in the country, rather than political parties or any other force outside or inside Iraq.
    - Haider al-Abadi