Best quotes by Goldust on Character

Checkout quotes by Goldust on Character

  • I've wrestled just about everybody there is to wrestle, done just about every character reincarnation that I can come up with.
    - Goldust
  • Goldust is a singular character. I don't need to be put with anybody.
    - Goldust
  • Working heel works different for me, being Dustin Rhodes for so many years and then a giant switch of a character and everything.
    - Goldust
  • I've kept evolving the character. At first, you hated Goldust with a passion, then you laughed with him.
    - Goldust
  • Before Dad passed, we talked so much about the Goldust character, what it grew into, and how much he was proud of it.
    - Goldust
  • I never could have imagined or dreamed where my career would be taking me the way it has with the Goldust character. It's awesome.
    - Goldust