Best quotes by Marie de France on Love

Checkout quotes by Marie de France on Love

  • For above all things Love means sweetness, and truth, and measure; yea, loyalty to the loved one and to your word. And because of this I dare not meddle with so high a matter.
    - Marie de France
  • If one of two lovers is loyal, and the other jealous and false, how may their friendship last, for Love is slain!
    - Marie de France
  • But sweetly and discreetly love passes from person to person, from heart to heart, or it is nothing worth.
    - Marie de France
  • For what the lover would, that would the beloved; what she would ask of him that should he go before to grant. Without accord such as this, love is but a bond and a constraint.
    - Marie de France
  • For what the lover would, that would the beloved; what she would ask of him that should he go before to grant. Without accord such as this, love is but a bond and a constraint.
    - Marie de France
  • I love no woman, for love is a serious business, not a jest.
    - Marie de France
  • I love no woman, for love is a serious business, not a jest.
    - Marie de France
  • Out of five hundred who speak glibly of love, not one can spell the first letter of his name.
    - Marie de France