Best quotes by Lloyd Alexander on People

Checkout quotes by Lloyd Alexander on People

  • Using the device of an imaginary world allows me in some strange way to go to the central issues - it's one of many ways to express feelings about real people, about real human relationships.
    - Lloyd Alexander
  • There's this huge number of desperate people.
    - Lloyd Alexander
  • Heroes are people who think more of others than themselves. This is not to say that they don't think of themselves. They do. They certainly do. But they think of others more.
    - Lloyd Alexander
  • There's a kind of funny gap between 14 and 20 when young people don't read very much. Nobody really knows what to do about it, although we've tried to reach these dropout readers with the 'young adult' book.
    - Lloyd Alexander
  • Talented people are finding that writing for young people is as demanding of high quality as writing for adults.
    - Lloyd Alexander