Best quotes by Nick Harkaway on World

Checkout quotes by Nick Harkaway on World

  • The First World War was a horror of gas, industrialised slaughter, fear, and appalling human suffering.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • Prize lists are out, and you're not on them? Nature of the world - means nothing. Prizes are a lottery.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • I know that when I talk to my parents and my friends, there's a strong feeling of the world out of control and damaged.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • I am the world's most appalling martial artist. I am so bad. I've studied jujitsu, kickboxing, t'ai chi. Once, I was sparring with someone, made a mistake, and managed to knock them down. I was so shocked that I dropped to my knees to see if they were all right, and then they knocked me out cold. From the floor.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • I don't do a lot of research, exactly, but I'm constantly wandering through the world finding things incredible and remembering them.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • 'Gone-Away World' was a shotgun blast, an explosion out of the box I'd put myself into writing film scripts. 'Tigerman' is shorter, tighter, more crafted.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • With true free speech has to come an understanding of when and when not to use it. But you can't legislate that. It must be voluntary - especially in a world where a whisper can reach a million people in an eye blink.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • Cheese is good. And Britain, despite the grumblings of the French and the outrage of the Swiss, not to mention some plucky challenges from Italy, Austria, and Spain, has some of the best cheese in the world. We're world leaders in cheese.
    - Nick Harkaway
  • In both 'Tigerman' and my first book, 'The Gone-Away World,' there are characters who never really get names. They're too fundamentally who they are to be bound by a name, so I couldn't give them one.
    - Nick Harkaway