Best quotes by Doris Burke on Game

Checkout quotes by Doris Burke on Game

  • There will always be a certain segment of the population who turns on an NBA game or turns on a college game and hears my voice and objects to my presence. I've conceded that. I can't please everybody. I don't even try.'
    - Doris Burke
  • The reason I'm fiendishly drawing end-of-game plays when I'm taking notes is what if I screwed up something down the stretch of a game?
    - Doris Burke
  • From the time I was very little and I first picked up a ball, in the back of my head I thought I would coach the game.
    - Doris Burke
  • When I was 7, we moved to Manasquan, where I picked up the game of basketball.
    - Doris Burke
  • I feel like every repetition, every game, every practice that I'm allowed to watch, I'm picking up some small piece of information, a nuance about the game or a coach's philosophy.
    - Doris Burke