Best quotes by Katie Price on Time

Checkout quotes by Katie Price on Time

  • I'm quite an insecure person and need reassuring all the time.
    - Katie Price
  • I do like my hair being pulled from time to time, it's like a pair of reins, innit?
    - Katie Price
  • I enjoy horse riding, spending time with my dog 'Smurf,' and basically having a really good laugh partying and having fun!
    - Katie Price
  • I like to spend time with my family. The majority of my time is spent in London, but I do like to escape and spend time with them in my hometown of Brighton on the south coast.
    - Katie Price
  • Hopefully I'll be successful with the singing, but there are so many other things I want to do, like acting. I'll do them one at a time first!
    - Katie Price
  • Just because you have kids doesn't mean to say you need time off. I have a lot of time off anyway. If I'm promoting my book, like, for the next two weeks, I'm flat out. But then I'm off again. And when you've got the next product, it's the same; you just condense it into a couple of weeks.
    - Katie Price
  • Unfortunately with the media, the red tops, and all the celebrity weekly magazines, the ones who were once loyal - well, when I say loyal, this is a game; this is a game that we're in. If it's your time to get picked on, then you get picked on, and, you know, I'm used to that.
    - Katie Price