Best quotes by Brian Stelfreeze on Art

Checkout quotes by Brian Stelfreeze on Art

  • I think there's art, and then there's illustration. Art comes from a deeper place.
    - Brian Stelfreeze
  • Illustration is commercial. It's work that we produce, and I think what you can do is you can draw from the pool of art, but most of it comes from a pool of knowledge.
    - Brian Stelfreeze
  • I don't consider what I do 'art.' It's 'storytelling.'
    - Brian Stelfreeze
  • When you're an artist, you're generally working at home alone in a studio. It's just really good to get with other guys and make art something you can share.
    - Brian Stelfreeze
  • Writing comics and drawing comics is a really very specific art form. It's a lot easier to get it wrong than it is to get it right.
    - Brian Stelfreeze
  • I believe monthly comics and the extended miniseries are the true hallmarks of comic art and storytelling.
    - Brian Stelfreeze
  • The detail of my art depends entirely on the project itself. I tend to be a little more detail-oriented with covers than I am with interior pages, and I try to reduce the detail on action sequences as opposed to suspense passages.
    - Brian Stelfreeze
  • There's an attitude that I have where I bring the art to the table and the writer brings the writing to the table, but neither of us brings the story to the table. The story is something that only happens with the combination of both of us.
    - Brian Stelfreeze