Best quotes by Cory Booker on People

Checkout quotes by Cory Booker on People

  • You can be like a thermometer, just reflecting the world around you. Or you can be a thermostat, one of those people who sets the temperature.
    - Cory Booker
  • You don't have to be one of those people that accepts things as they are. Every day, take responsibility for changing them right where you are.
    - Cory Booker
  • The issues we hear Donald Trump talking about are just so contrary to who we are as a people. They are an affront and an insult to our higher angels and our best selves.
    - Cory Booker
  • When people jump on your mistakes, don't hide from them; let people know that you're human, too.
    - Cory Booker
  • I am the descendant of slaves, of people that were born from a slave and a slave master.
    - Cory Booker