Best quotes by Jodie Turner-Smith on America

Checkout quotes by Jodie Turner-Smith on America

  • I've always been 'other' in all the spaces that I've been in. Even when I first moved to America, just the idea that I was a dark-skinned black girl from England with an accent. It's one thing to be a black girl, but it's another to be a dark black girl. I was chastised for that. I was chastised for the way I spoke.
    - Jodie Turner-Smith
  • So I was really excited when I came to America about meeting black people. But it was a huge culture shock, because I was rejected by the black community. They were like, 'You talk like a white girl.' People would call me an Oreo. All I wanted was acceptance.
    - Jodie Turner-Smith
  • In America, interracial dating or marriage is not something that is as accepted. Certain people feel strongly against it, in both communities. I felt it from the black community. It is so complicated. I don't want to give it too much energy.
    - Jodie Turner-Smith
  • My family is Jamaican. We were just the slaves that were dropped off over there. And at the end of the day when you live and exist as a Black person in America, at least to white society, to a certain extent, no one is asking where you're from and where you were born.
    - Jodie Turner-Smith
  • What's unique about America is that the country itself was built upon oppression, it's in the very foundation.
    - Jodie Turner-Smith
  • While I might not have a specific experience that is fully American, there is still a knowledge, something that I logically understand as a black woman and a black woman who is existing in America and a black woman who is in the diaspora that are just known quantities that I think anyone can relate to who is black.
    - Jodie Turner-Smith
  • It's a very complicated relationship that I have with America. I love it so much. And I also see the places where it's flawed.
    - Jodie Turner-Smith