Best quotes by Julia Stiles on Time

Checkout quotes by Julia Stiles on Time

  • I'm terrified at the prospect of Donald Trump becoming president. I think he's disgusting, he's offensive. I think that it would be embarrassing for our country to have him sit down with world leaders and try and have a conference or even take a photo op. So we'll see what happens, but it's a very pivotal time in the U.S.
    - Julia Stiles
  • I think the culture of the red carpet is too much like a modern-day coliseum. If you're being photographed all the time, and you don't like having a bad photograph taken, and if you're super, super thin, chances are you're never going to look fat in a picture.
    - Julia Stiles
  • Of course my family and friends are incredibly valuable to me. They keep me sane, they teach me things and I love spending time with them. I think that ranking what you value is a sort of western and linear way of looking at things.
    - Julia Stiles
  • I like a director who is very observant and is watching what I'm doing and noticing what I'm doing but is giving me time to figure it out. They don't jump right in and give you a note before you've had time to really search on your own with how to do a scene. I like a director that encourages me to be playful.
    - Julia Stiles
  • I'm voting for Hillary Clinton, proudly. I think it's her time. I think she's very experienced, I think she'd make a good president. I also think it would be monumental to have the first female president in the United States.
    - Julia Stiles
  • I tend to shut myself off from people. It's gotten harder and harder for me to meet new people. It takes a lot of effort to open up to them and spend time with them.
    - Julia Stiles
  • If Beyonce needs another back up dancer, I mean, I could make time.
    - Julia Stiles
  • I watch comedies most of the time. That's what I gravitate toward. But I think the kinds of roles people see me in are sort of the opposite of that. I'm not really sure why.
    - Julia Stiles