Best quotes by Allison Anders on Movies

Checkout quotes by Allison Anders on Movies

  • During the '90s, a lot of us in the indie film world were not making our money off our movies. We were screenwriters doing scripts for hire for studios.
    - Allison Anders
  • You still get the movies made. A filmmaker can always scrape up money to do a movie. The passion drives it. And you'll get the money. Money's the easiest thing. But the hardest thing is finding a way for people to see your movie.
    - Allison Anders
  • I don't know that movies are important. But I know that stories are important. Movies may disappear. They've only been around, for God's sake, for the last hundred years... I think that it's the need to tell stories, and that people need to be told stories. It's the old sitting around the fire, you know.
    - Allison Anders
  • Movies can tell us about our place, or lack of place, in our culture.
    - Allison Anders
  • Box office is one of the strongest tools we have toward preserving our ability to make our movies. We really can make a difference by purchasing a ticket each opening weekend to a movie made by a woman, even if you don't like the movie or the filmmaker and even if you don't see the film.
    - Allison Anders
  • I've worked on movies where there's all these people coming and going, and I don't even know who they are.
    - Allison Anders