Best quotes by Cindy Wilson on Music

Checkout quotes by Cindy Wilson on Music

  • The music comes alive when you actually perform it in front of a crowd.
    - Cindy Wilson
  • A lot of people write and tell us what The B-52s meant to them - straight, straight-A students, those who were a little awkward, weren't always the ones who fit in. People have told us that just having us and our music was beyond important and really made me feel that what we were doing was worth something big.
    - Cindy Wilson
  • Music is a wonderful way of healing and helping get through things.
    - Cindy Wilson
  • People come up to me and tell me how they were in a dark place and our music helped them out. It's mind-blowing. It's not just 'Rock Lobster' or 'Love Shack' - there's much more there.
    - Cindy Wilson
  • If something's upsetting me, being able to go in and work on new music makes all the difference in the world.
    - Cindy Wilson