Best quotes by Desmond Tutu on People

Checkout quotes by Desmond Tutu on People

  • We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.
    - Desmond Tutu
  • For goodness sake, will they hear, will white people hear what we are trying to say? Please, all we are asking you to do is to recognize that we are humans, too.
    - Desmond Tutu
  • Many people would be surprised that, in fact, I'm quite shy.
    - Desmond Tutu
  • I mean in the South African case, many of those who were part of death squads would have been respectable members of their white community, people who went to church on Sunday, every Sunday.
    - Desmond Tutu
  • People often speak of God being even-handed. God is not even-handed. God is biased, in favor of the weak, of the despised.
    - Desmond Tutu