Best quotes by Jonathan Demme on Me

Checkout quotes by Jonathan Demme on Me

  • I remember the Neil Young brand hitting me very hard immediately. He wasn't an acquired taste. I loved him immediately.
    - Jonathan Demme
  • I often find myself feeling that filming music is somehow the purest form of filmmaking. This crazed collision of sound and images, the intense collaboration, these incredibly cinematic performances. And for the nights you're filming, a non-player like me gets to feel somehow part of the band.
    - Jonathan Demme
  • At certain points, I was afraid there was something - a missing chink of skill - that was going to prevent me from having a movie that was financially successful. That frightened me.
    - Jonathan Demme
  • When my generation, those early days of television - I know I've been thinking about this lately - my two flashes of me as a little boy. One, I'm standing in front of the radio freaking out that Nat King Cole's singing 'Lady of Spain', just this stuff coming out of the radio, and Guy Williams singing 'Wild Horses' coming out of the radio.
    - Jonathan Demme
  • The whole Orion zeitgeist, of treating filmmakers as partners, to me it's inseparable from the success of 'Silence of the Lambs'.
    - Jonathan Demme