Best quotes by Alberto Del Rio on Business

Checkout quotes by Alberto Del Rio on Business

  • I will stay in Impact as long as the fans want me there. They were so happy to have me there and treated me with a lot of respect. The office, talent, and staff are treated with respect by everyone, regardless of your position in the business.
    - Alberto Del Rio
  • We, as wrestlers, need to remember that this is a business. We started because we love the business, and we stay in it because we have a lot of passion for it, but you have to be rewarded for your work.
    - Alberto Del Rio
  • I would like to wrestle some guys again like Dolph Ziggler, Ken Anderson, and many others in the business.
    - Alberto Del Rio
  • I once said that I never wanted to be a good guy or the 'baby face,' as we call it in the wrestling business. But you know, it is what it is, and I'll be whatever they want me to be. At the end of the day, we work for the WWE fans.
    - Alberto Del Rio
  • The difference between me and other talent that has left WWE is - I left the company. In most of the other situations, the company fired them or not wanting to do with business with them.
    - Alberto Del Rio