Best quotes by Janet Jackson on Life

Checkout quotes by Janet Jackson on Life

  • It has taken me most of my adult life to come to terms with who I am. To do that, I had to break free of attitudes that brought me down.
    - Janet Jackson
  • I do think kids should be kids. You have the rest of your life to be an adult.
    - Janet Jackson
  • Another side to me is this very sexual being. When I look back on my life, it's always been there. It's been there since I was 10 years old, having the imagination that I had.
    - Janet Jackson
  • I wanted to talk about my life. There is so much. I was 18 when I made the record, and I had a lot to say.
    - Janet Jackson
  • I wanted to talk about my life. There is so much. I was 18 when I made the record, and I had a lot to say.
    - Janet Jackson
  • You can tell someone who doesn't have love in their life, then someone who is in love.
    - Janet Jackson
  • I really don't know anything else because my brothers were famous when I was two years old. So I know nothing else, no other life.
    - Janet Jackson