Best quotes by Butch Trucks on People

Checkout quotes by Butch Trucks on People

  • When I play, I stare at the left hand of whoever is playing lead. And I get to know what people are playing well enough that when they start going somewhere, once they arrive, I'm already there.
    - Butch Trucks
  • Playing live is really the art form. You're a lot freer, a lot looser. You've got people there that can give you feedback, and then you can play off of that. There's so much more energy.
    - Butch Trucks
  • These people that dress up in spandex trousers with all the extraordinary makeup - I find it incredibly repulsive, always have.
    - Butch Trucks
  • That whole Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame thing - at least half the people in there don't have a place in any kind of hall of fame anywhere, in my opinion.
    - Butch Trucks
  • People feel entitled to take whatever's online without paying for it.
    - Butch Trucks
  • I like some things other people don't like, and they like stuff I don't like.
    - Butch Trucks
  • This is show business, and there's room for the shows and the personalities. But I think there's also room for music, for people to play music, and there seems to be an audience developing that's willing to go listen to music again, rather than just be blown away by drum machines and choreography.
    - Butch Trucks
  • After being away from it for so long, it's really nice to go out and have 10- or 15,000 people show up and enjoy it. It leaves you with a very good feeling.
    - Butch Trucks
  • We've been lucky because quite a few young people keep coming to see us play. We couldn't tour as much as we do if we could only count on the baby boomers.
    - Butch Trucks