Best quotes by Joan Rivers on Funny

Checkout quotes by Joan Rivers on Funny

  • Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It's all funny. Next. Everyone gets so upset about the wrong things.
    - Joan Rivers
  • I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again.
    - Joan Rivers
  • I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio.
    - Joan Rivers
  • Part of my act is meant to shake you up. It looks like I'm being funny, but I'm reminding you of other things. Life is tough, darling. Life is hard. And we better laugh at everything; otherwise, we're going down the tube.
    - Joan Rivers
  • If God wanted us to bend over he'd put diamonds on the floor.
    - Joan Rivers
  • Forty for you, sixty for me. And equal partners we will be.
    - Joan Rivers
  • Never floss with a stranger.
    - Joan Rivers
  • Comediennes are the lucky ones, because if you're funny, you can be 125 years old and they will still accept you.
    - Joan Rivers
  • I have no line. If I think it's funny, it's funny.
    - Joan Rivers