Best quotes by John Grant on Time

Checkout quotes by John Grant on Time

  • It took me a long time to find my own voice, even after I started making my own music.
    - John Grant
  • I just feel like this guy who's visiting the music business over the weekend. Every time I write a song, I feel like it's never going to happen again.
    - John Grant
  • I spend a lot of my time just looking at words and grammar and writing things down that I don't know.
    - John Grant
  • I do feel I have a hard time dealing with things being OK.
    - John Grant
  • I could have easily said that I don't believe in anything when I came out of the upbringing that I had, but I do still believe that there is something there, and I have a difficult time figuring it out. I suppose I don't want to be thought of as stupid or unintelligent because I believe that there's something out there bigger than us in the world.
    - John Grant
  • Part of what I do, after feeling invisible for a long time, is make an effort not to be invisible any more.
    - John Grant