Best quotes by Tom Steyer on Energy

Checkout quotes by Tom Steyer on Energy

  • Renewable energy is a clear winner when it comes to boosting the economy and creating jobs.
    - Tom Steyer
  • What Bernie Sanders is talking about, which is trying to get back to a more perfect democracy, is something that we support, too. We just think that the idea of... wishing the rules were different and then pretending they were is something which, unfortunately, probably would be disastrous from the standpoint of energy and climate.
    - Tom Steyer
  • Clean energy is the ultimate growth strategy for our economy - one that would add millions more good-paying jobs right here in the United States.
    - Tom Steyer
  • We can't double down on the failed energy policies of the past.
    - Tom Steyer
  • Investing in more fossil fuel infrastructure will not strengthen our economy over the long-term, since the market is clearly indicating that clean energy sources are the future.
    - Tom Steyer