Best quotes by Ryan Coogler on Me

Checkout quotes by Ryan Coogler on Me

  • What's important to me is offering perspectives into worlds that people don't often get to see. Do you know what I mean? From angles they don't often get to see.
    - Ryan Coogler
  • For me, with me, making a film is always about humanity.
    - Ryan Coogler
  • Even reading my first bad review was an awesome experience. It was cool because you make something and not everybody's going to like it. I felt like that kind of grew me up a little bit into a professional. I was a student filmmaker, and no one writes reviews about student films.
    - Ryan Coogler
  • As a filmmaker, like any artist, when something affects me emotionally I think about it in those terms. It's my way of dealing with my thoughts, my fears and my hardships. I think the same can be said with any artist. For a musician, you're going to write a song about something that affects you emotionally.
    - Ryan Coogler
  • Something impacts me emotionally, art is a kind of outlet, and I figure it's the same for a lot of artists. The way my mind deals with things is cinematic.
    - Ryan Coogler