Best quotes by Alice Roberts on Science

Checkout quotes by Alice Roberts on Science

  • Science is about questioning things.
    - Alice Roberts
  • Always attempting to tame and subjugate nature is not the solution. But the latest science is helping us to map out a path across this shifting landscape in uncertain times, showing us how to work with natural forces, not against them.
    - Alice Roberts
  • Science offers us the possibility of understanding natural rhythms and events that must have seemed like the work of angry and unpredictable gods to our ancestors.
    - Alice Roberts
  • It is so stimulating for young children to hear someone who does science talking about it. It can be so exciting and inspiring. It is easy to get younger school children enthused about science.
    - Alice Roberts
  • Choosing my career was always based on job satisfaction rather than financial security. I wanted to get a job in science; I enjoyed being a surgeon and I now enjoy being an academic and having a media career.
    - Alice Roberts
  • Educated guesswork' is what science is. You form hypotheses, test them against the evidence, and if they fit the evidence, you can assume you've got close to the truth.
    - Alice Roberts
  • But I think you can strip the emotion and the subjectivity away while you focus on doing the science - and that's really important.
    - Alice Roberts
  • We have been talking about public engagement for a decade. For me it is about recognising that the mission of science has to be embedded within our culture - the direction in which science is going has to be determined by all of us, and so we need a dialogue with the public.
    - Alice Roberts
  • We need to get across the excitement and creativity of science. That it isn't just a list of facts that have already been discovered - but a process, a creative project, that you are generating ideas, testing them and looking for evidence.
    - Alice Roberts
  • I suppose the thing I'm quite pleased about is that I am, I would hope, a role model for girls and younger women who are thinking about doing science.
    - Alice Roberts
  • If we don't concentrate on resurrecting science, we're not going to be able to compete in a global economy.
    - Alice Roberts
  • The science of being healthy is well-known. It is not esoteric. There are no magic bullets. If you want to live a long life, we've known the answers for more than a hundred years. It's a wide-ranging diet with as much fruit and veg as you can stuff into yourself, and plenty of exercise. It doesn't even matter what kind of exercise.
    - Alice Roberts
  • My childhood hero was David Attenborough. He opened my eyes to the wonder of the natural world. In fact, he's still my hero. I interviewed him at the Science Museum in 2015, and he is such a thoughtful, humble and inspiring person.
    - Alice Roberts