Best quotes by Todd Phillips on Movies

Checkout quotes by Todd Phillips on Movies

  • It's all about escapism. That's essentially what all movies are about. It's a vicarious thrill.
    - Todd Phillips
  • I tend to make movies about my peer group. I couldn't see myself now going back and making a movie about a bunch of college kids, necessarily. I kind of always operate in the things I'm observing around me, whether it's friends having babies now in my life or what have you.
    - Todd Phillips
  • There are movie sites that love movies and there are movie sites that are just bitter people that just hate movies. I find Movieline to be in the latter. The tone is bizarrely hateful.
    - Todd Phillips
  • Well, it's so cheesy to say but you can't find a comedy director who makes movies for critics. When a movie does $580 million worldwide, I'm not saying that proves anything except people were enjoying the experience.
    - Todd Phillips
  • When I was younger I didn't really know what a director did: I knew I loved movies and I figured the actors made it up! And then when you get to 12 years old you start thinking, What does a director do? It was really an organic beginning: this looks like something I want to do, I can't believe people get paid to do it!
    - Todd Phillips
  • All my movies, as I get the ability to do it, they tend to go a little darker, a little darker.
    - Todd Phillips
  • I'm not a huge fan of 3-D, though. Honestly, I think that movies are an immersive experience and an audience experience. There's nothing like seeing a film with 500 people in a theater. And there's something about putting on 3-D glasses that makes it a very singular experience for me. Suddenly I'm not connected to the audience anymore.
    - Todd Phillips