Best quotes by Jerry West on Me

Checkout quotes by Jerry West on Me

  • I'm a Gemini. Know what that means? There are two very different sides to me.
    - Jerry West
  • I remember, years ago, if I had had an opportunity to leave the Lakers, I would have left for one reason: because I did not like an owner that was not telling me the truth. And it would have made no difference what they would have offered me; I would have left.
    - Jerry West
  • When the Warriors are on, my wife keeps away from me. I'm a rabid fan, and my language sometimes is not too good.
    - Jerry West
  • I often do things that surprise me, not to mention others.
    - Jerry West
  • A lot of people would be happy that they got through a long career and had a chance to play as many times in the finals. To me, I wanted to win for the franchise and for the people. And when you can't do that, it's devastating, particularly for someone like me.
    - Jerry West
  • The Lakers had been home to me, unlike the home I had grown up and felt apart from.
    - Jerry West
  • I know when I left the game, I could have played more. There is no question. I think I could have played at a very high level, too. But I could not play the way everyone wanted me to play. And I was not willing to compromise what I felt was a standard that I had established in this league and, particularly, for our fans at home.
    - Jerry West
  • It's discouraging for me to come out there and watch the lack of fan support for a good team.
    - Jerry West
  • I don't know anything else but the Lakers. This has certainly been more than a job for me as a player. It has certainly meant more to me than just an occupation.
    - Jerry West
  • I'm just ultracompetitive. I will be till they put me in the grave.
    - Jerry West
  • If you don't want to win, you don't want to be around me.
    - Jerry West
  • If I'm not nervous, if I don't have at least a little bit of the same self-doubt and anxious feelings I had when I started playing, then it will be time for me to go on. I must have that tension.
    - Jerry West
  • I've always been really nationalistic, and I had a brother killed in Korea. And I think the 'Star Spangled Banner,' even today - and I've heard it a heckuva lot of times, OK - has always been a significant feeling to me.
    - Jerry West