Best quotes by Becky Sauerbrunn on Game

Checkout quotes by Becky Sauerbrunn on Game

  • Soccer can be very subtle; it's a very nuanced sport. If I happen to make things easy and people don't see it, that could be a reason why someone might stand out more than I do. But that's just the way I've grown up playing the game.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • The way I play, it's very much more a mental game than a physical game. I'm looking for space and where are players leaving space. Defensively, where are we at numerical disadvantages? Do I shift more to the left because they have more players on their right side? It's about reading the game before the game happens.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • I've never been the tallest or the strongest or the fastest. But I'd like to think that I can read the game well enough, that I can position myself well enough, that I can level the playing field when it comes to physical differences. When it comes to height, whoever wants the ball more is going to win it.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • If I could play a game and not have to tackle, I know that I did everything right. I organized everyone the right way, read every play the right way.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • In soccer, female athletes across the world wear shoes that are not meant for us, our feet, or our game.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • Anything you train can be improved upon. If you do it over and over again, your body is going to remember these moves and not be surprised in the game.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • It's almost ludicrous that I'm playing a game and getting paid for it. I'm just going to ride it as long as I can.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • The game can be quite dangerous when you look at certain injuries, especially head injuries.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • I've always been very hard on myself, and I never want to get to a point where I'm like, 'Alright, I'm kicking butt,' but I know I need to be confident because I think that will take my game to the next level.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • The women's national team is a very successful team, and that success has given us a platform to speak on gender equity issues. Millions of young women play soccer in this country, and it's empowering for them to see that our contribution to the game is valued.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn