Best quotes by Vint Cerf on Internet

Checkout quotes by Vint Cerf on Internet

  • Information flow is what the Internet is about. Information sharing is power. If you don't share your ideas, smart people can't do anything about them, and you'll remain anonymous and powerless.
    - Vint Cerf
  • Henry Kissinger once told me he was very concerned about the Internet's impact on people's ability to absorb information in a concentrated way, because we've become accustomed to looking up something, getting a snippet and being satisfied with that - as opposed to reading through and considering a weighty tome that goes into great depth.
    - Vint Cerf
  • Remember, 'governance' is a big word that includes human rights, freedom of speech, economic transactions on a worldwide basis - it touches everything. It's everywhere, and that's why Internet governance is Topic A in many corners.
    - Vint Cerf
  • The Internet is literally a network of networks.
    - Vint Cerf
  • There is a project that's underway called the interplanetary Internet. It's in operation between Earth and Mars. It's operating on the International Space Station. It's part of the spacecraft that's in orbit around the Sun that's rendezvoused with two planets.
    - Vint Cerf
  • Internet and government is Topic A in every nation, all around the world. There is the question of getting the Internet built. That involves persuading government to have regulatory policies. It involves new technology to bring the Internet to rural places.
    - Vint Cerf
  • We all know the Internet didn't explode until it became a commercial enterprise. Space communication will probably have the same characteristic.
    - Vint Cerf
  • The Internet lives where anyone can access it.
    - Vint Cerf
  • Given that my title at Google is Chief Internet Evangelist, I feel like there is this great challenge before me because we have three billion users, and there are seven billion people in the world.
    - Vint Cerf
  • When I joined Google, they asked me what title I wanted. I said, 'What about archduke?' They said, 'Well, that didn't meet our nomenclature. Why don't you be our Chief Internet Evangelist?' This was in 2005.
    - Vint Cerf
  • The Internet browser is the most susceptible to viruses. The browser is naive about downloading and executing software. Google is trying to help by releasing the Chrome browser as open source.
    - Vint Cerf
  • Will we shoot virtually at each other over the Internet? Probably not. On the other hand, there may be wars fought about the Internet.
    - Vint Cerf
  • The idea that you can somehow erase the Internet is silly.
    - Vint Cerf
  • What is special about VOIP is that it's just another thing you can do on the Internet, whereas it is the only thing - or nearly the only thing with the exception of the dial-up modem and fax - that you can do on the public switched telephone network.
    - Vint Cerf
  • The Internet is brittle and fragile and too easy to take down. It's a conduit for criminal activity. We need international treaties to prosecute the bad guys, but we don't have them.
    - Vint Cerf
  • While the United States has never decreed that everyone has a 'right' to a telephone, we have come close to this with the notion of 'universal service' - the idea that telephone service (and electricity, and now broadband Internet) must be available, even in the most remote regions of the country.
    - Vint Cerf
  • Their Internet usage is growing very rapidly, and even they can do the math: If everyone in China needed an IPv4 address - just one - this country would use up one third of the entire public IP address space.
    - Vint Cerf
  • With Internet technology you can capture a photo, a quote, or an article, store it locally and upload it into the Net more than once, if you wish, to multiple sites. Can you imagine then forcing the search engines to somehow not index that information?
    - Vint Cerf
  • We will have more Internet, larger numbers of users, more mobile access, more speed, more things online and more appliances we can control over the Internet.
    - Vint Cerf
  • There is an underlying, fundamental reliance on the Internet, which continues to grow in the number of users, country penetration and both fixed and wireless broadband access.
    - Vint Cerf