Best quotes by Shura on Myself

Checkout quotes by Shura on Myself

  • I'm a lesbian. That's how I identify myself, but I think there's a massive spectrum for everyone.
    - Shura
  • I want to explore my boundaries. I want to push myself and go right to the edge of what I am capable of. I don't want to ever be comfortable.
    - Shura
  • A lot of people think I popped out of some pink cloud fully formed, ready for action, but I've been putting songs on SoundCloud since I was 16. Five people would listen and like them. I never had any expectations for myself.
    - Shura
  • I didn't really want anyone to know that I wanted to write music or make songs because, in a way, I didn't necessarily know if I wanted to do it for a profession. I wanted to do it to express myself.
    - Shura
  • I started playing when I was about 13, mainly because Dad had guitars lying around the house. My dad taught me my first three chords, and I taught myself from there.
    - Shura