Best quotes by Dennis Quaid on Love

Checkout quotes by Dennis Quaid on Love

  • You don't bad-mouth your ex or anything like that. The key is your kid knowing that both parents still love him and are there for him.
    - Dennis Quaid
  • I love politics, but I wouldn't want to be involved in it. Too little money, too much work! I don't really have the personality for that.
    - Dennis Quaid
  • I love being a dad, and I'm good at it. Kids teach you about life, like how not to focus on yourself so much.
    - Dennis Quaid
  • I love acting and making your own luck. You have to recreate yourself, I guess. Although, I don't know how.
    - Dennis Quaid
  • I really love doing what I do, being an actor. It's the greatest. You can do it until you die.
    - Dennis Quaid
  • I'd love to do a golf movie. I turned down Don Johnson's role in 'Tin Cup.' I regret that.
    - Dennis Quaid
  • I still have my original love for acting. That's why I feel so lucky. I think that's what sustains me in the sort of leaner times.
    - Dennis Quaid