Best quotes by John Hutton on New

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  • Greater personal choice, individually tailored services, stronger local accountability, greater efficiency - these are all central to the new direction of travel we have set for our public services.
    - John Hutton
  • This call for a new culture is not a new idea.
    - John Hutton
  • Western Europe GDP per capita - not taking into account the new accession counties - was lower in 2001 relative to that of the US than any time since the 1960's.
    - John Hutton
  • Yet in order to make sure the European social model keeps up with the pace of economic change that is now necessary, the EU must embrace a new approach to lawmaking.
    - John Hutton
  • More than 50% of significant new regulations that impact on business in the UK now emanate from the EU.
    - John Hutton