Best quotes by Vincent Rodriguez III on Me

Checkout quotes by Vincent Rodriguez III on Me

  • My dad wanted me to be a businessman, but I felt that wasn't for me.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • After a performance, I met the man who would later be my acting coach who helped me get into my acting conservatory. It was apparent to me that there were many others who were in support of me becoming an actor and making a name for myself. I am forever grateful to those teachers and mentors who instead of saying, 'Why you?' said, 'Why not you?'
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • I was raised in a dominantly Filipino family. I didn't know I was 'mixed' until I got older and started asking questions about my grandparents, the origins of our middle and last names. We were kind of textbook Pinoys. A lot of the Filipino stereotypes that were joked about by me and my friends rang very true with my family.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • I wanted a Broadway credit, but 'Crazy Ex' came along, and it blessed me.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • The life of an actor is not filled with limousines and talk-show interviews. I've moved crates of beer; I've been a bartender, personal assistant, butler. But all those skills have helped me in the business aspect of what I do.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • New York reminds me of what my career was like when I lived here, so when I walk through the streets, I remember when I had ten bucks in my pocket and all I could eat is Chipotle.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • I felt like I wasn't considered for minority or Caucasian male lead roles. There aren't really a lot of roles written for me, and I mean me and who I am in real life.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • Gene Kelly has meant so much to me through the years. I used to dance in my living room in socks and a tee-shirt, no idea what I was doing, but wanting to dance like Gene.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III
  • For me, acting is not a hobby. It is a career that I have chosen and was not willing to let go of so easily after seven years of hard work.
    - Vincent Rodriguez III