Best quotes by Howard Rheingold on People

Checkout quotes by Howard Rheingold on People

  • Any virtual community that works, works because people put in some time.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • People's social networks do not consist only of people they see face to face. In fact, social networks have been extending because of artificial media since the printing press and the telephone.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • A lot of people use collaborative technologies badly, then abandon them. They aren't 'plug-and-play.' The invisible part is the social skill necessary to use them.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • I think e-mail petitions are an illusion. It gives people the illusion that they're participating in some meaningful political action.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • It's kind of astonishing that people trust strangers because of words they write on computer screens.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • The AP has only so many reporters, and CNN only has so many cameras, but we've got a world full of people with digital cameras and Internet access.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • On the Internet, it is assumed people are in business to sell out, not to build something they can pass along to their grandkids.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • People's behavior will change with technology. I know very few young people who can't type out a text message on their phone with one thumb, for instance.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • I want to be very careful about judging and how much to generalize about the use of media being pathological. For some people, it's a temptation and a pathology; for others, it's a lifeline.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • Craigslist is about authenticity. Craig has paid his dues, and people respect him.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • People move from place to place and job to job, but they no longer need to lose touch.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • The Orwellian vision was about state-sponsored surveillance. Now it's not just the state, it's your nosy neighbor, your ex-spouse and people who want to spam you.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • The more material there is, the more need there is for filters. You don't need a printing press anymore, but you do need people who know how to cultivate sources, double-check information and put the brand of legitimacy on it.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • Communicating online goes back to the Defense Department's Arpanet which started in 1969. There was something called Usenet that started in 1980, and this gave people an opportunity to talk about things that people on these more official networks didn't talk about.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • When designers replaced the command line interface with the graphical user interface, billions of people who are not programmers could make use of computer technology.
    - Howard Rheingold
  • Schoolchildren are not taught how to distinguish accurate information from inaccurate information online - surely there are ways to design web-browsers to help with this task and ways to teach young people how to use the powerful online tools available to them.
    - Howard Rheingold