Best quotes by Greta Gerwig on Movies

Checkout quotes by Greta Gerwig on Movies

  • I feel like movies are presents, and credits and fonts are bows and wrapping paper. I like everything to feel like it was given a lot of time. I hate it when I watch movies, and it seems like they just went and picked a font and, like, called it a day.
    - Greta Gerwig
  • Making movies is a hard thing, and it's slow. So you can glorify the product, but the process is difficult no matter who you are.
    - Greta Gerwig
  • I love big, sprawling movies where there are too many characters, and people get introduced halfway through, and you're like, 'Wait, who are these people?'
    - Greta Gerwig
  • I thought movies were handed down by God. I knew that theater was made by people because I saw the people in front of me, but movies seemed like they were delivered, wholly made, from Zeus's head or something.
    - Greta Gerwig
  • I'm so interested in taking tropes from other movies and putting them on something where it doesn't belong.
    - Greta Gerwig
  • The transition from tiny movies to less tiny movies to really big movies has been actually quite seamless in a lot of ways as far as my experience of acting in them.
    - Greta Gerwig