Best quotes by Vidal Sassoon on Me

Checkout quotes by Vidal Sassoon on Me

  • My mother had a premonition and she felt that hairdressing would be very very good for me.
    - Vidal Sassoon
  • Hair excited me. As the old ways - backcombing, rollers and rigidity - went out of the window, I started to feel the possibilities in front of my eyes.
    - Vidal Sassoon
  • I just consider being one of the luckiest people in the sense that creativity came to me and it flowed.
    - Vidal Sassoon
  • My mother left me for seven years in an orphanage.
    - Vidal Sassoon
  • Judaism is important to me from a tribal point of view.
    - Vidal Sassoon
  • When I was about 10 I ran away to see my father. He couldn't have cared less. He just took me back as soon as he could.
    - Vidal Sassoon
  • To me hair dressing means shape. It's very important that the foundations should be right.
    - Vidal Sassoon